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From, where does it come from ?



Class 6 | Science

Q 1. What are ingredients? Explain with some examples.

Ans. Ingredients are the materials needed to prepare a complete food item.


a)      Boiled rice: Raw rice, water.

b)      Veg curry: Vegetables, salt, water, spices, oil.

c)       Roti: Atta, water.

d)      Dal: Pulses, water, salt, oil, ghee, spices.

e)      Kheer: Milk, rice, sugar, dry fruit.

Q 2. What is the importance of food?

Ans. Importance of food:

a)      It helps living organisms to grow.

b)      It provides energy to the body.

c)       It is required for the repair and replacement of worn-out cells.

d)      It protects us from diseases.

Q 3. Give examples of plant and animal products.

Ans. Plant products: grains, cereals, vegetables, fruits, salads etc.

Animal products: Milk, curd, butter, cheese, cream, egg, meat, fish, etc.

Q 4. Name different parts of the plant that are used as food along with their examples.

Ans. Parts of the plant that are used as food: -

a)      Roots: Carrot, turnip, radish, beetroot, sweet potato.

b)      Stem: Potato, onion, garlic, ginger, sugarcane.

c)       Leaves: Spinach, cabbage, lettuce, mint, coriander, mustard.

d)      Fruit: Mango, apple, grapes, strawberry.

e)      Flower: Cauliflower, banana flower, broccoli, pumpkin flower.

f)        Seeds: Mustard, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, grains, peas.

Q 5. Name and explain about two plants which have two or more edible parts.

Ans. a) Mustard plant: -

Ø Seeds are used to take out mustard oil.

Ø Leaves are used as vegetable.

b) Banana plant: -

Ø Banana fruit is eaten as such.

Ø Raw banana is eaten as vegetable.

Ø Flower of banana is eaten as vegetable.

Q 6. How can we classify animals on the basis of their food habits?

Ans. (a) Herbivores: The animals which eat only plants or plant products are called Herbivores. Their teeth are designed to chew plants. E.g. Cow, deer, goat, horse etc.

(b) Carnivores: The animals which eat flesh of other animals are called carnivores. They have long and sharp teeth or strong beaks to tear the flesh. E.g. Lion, eagle tiger, wolf etc.

(c) Omnivores: The animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores. E.g. Human, crow, cat, dog, bear etc.

Q 7. Define: edible, sprouts and nectar.

Ans. Edible: These are the things we can eat and digest. E.g. Fruit, salads, cooked vegetables etc.

Sprouts: These are seeds with small white structures grown out of the seeds after they are soaked in water for few hours.

Nectar: It is a sugar rich liquid produced by the plant in the nectar gland with which the flower attracts the insects towards it.

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