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Getting to know plants Test

Science Test (Class 6)

Getting to know plants

A.  Give one word answers to the following:

1.  Name one root that is modified to store food.                              [1]

2.  What is the flat green portion of a leaf called?                             [1]

3.  Transpiration helps the plant to absorb minerals from the soil. True or false?                                                                                                       [1]

4.  Name the part of the pistil which traps the pollen grains.            [1]

5.  Which part of the flower protects it when it is still a bud?           [1]

B.  Answer following in a sentence or two:

1.  What is difference between creepers and climbers?                     [2]

2.  What is pollination?                                                                      [2]

3.  How do prop roots help the plant?                                                [2]

C.  Answer following in about 30 – 40 words:

1.  Explain the difference between tap roots and fibrous root.          [4]

2.  Why are the leaves in a cactus plant modified to form spines? How, then does the plant make food?                                                            [4]

3.  Draw the diagram of a section of a flower showing sepals, petals, stamen and pistil.                                                                                      [4]

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