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Wind, Storms and Cyclones

(Inside Concepts)

Wind, Storms and Cyclones

1.    Coriolis Effect: The Coriolis effect is an apparent force, relative to the earth's surface, that causes deflection of wind to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere due to the earth's rotation.

2.    Air Pressure: The air pressure is higher at the poles and lower at the equator.

3.    Trade winds: The winds that blow towards the equator are termed as trade Winds.

4.    Cause of Thunder: A sudden expansion of air due to intense heat produced during lightning causes thunder.

5.    Eyewall: A ring of towering thunderstorms

6.    Eye of tornado: At the centre of the storm is a calm, cloudless area called the eye. It is surrounded by the eyewall where the most severe weather and highest winds occur.

7.    Direction of Cyclone: It develops over the sea and then move over land.

8.    Monsoon Winds: Winds that blow from the surface of the sea towards the land which carries the rains

9.    Sea Breeze: Wind that moves from sea towards land.

10.Land Breeze: Wind that moves from land towards sea.

11.Precautions for Cyclone prone areas:

a)    Do not drink water that could be contaminated. Always store drinking water for emergencies.

b)    Do not touch wet switches and fallen power lines.

c)     Do not go out just for the sake of fun.

d)    Do not pressurise the rescue force by making undue demands.

e)    Cooperate and help your neighbours and friends.


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