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Class 6 The Living World Test


Class 6 (The Living World)

Give one-word answer for the following statements:

1. A unicellular organism.

2. Micro-organisms responsible for turning milk into curd.

3. Place from where leaf comes out of stem

4. Smallest structural and functional unit of life.

5. Plants whose life cycle is of one season.

Answer the following in brief:

1. What do you mean by autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition?

2. Define following terms:

    (i) Saprophytes 
     (ii) Mesophytes      (iii) Xerophytes     (iv) Shrubs

3. Define following terms:

    (i) Herbivores     (ii) Carnivores      (iii) Omnivores      (iv) Saprophytes

Answer following questions:

1. State the criteria for classifying animals into vertebrate or invertebrate.

2. All living things respond to external stimuli’. Justify it with two examples.

3. Why are some plants called ‘Flowering plants’ and some ‘Non-flowering plants’?

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